Press and Popular Writings

NPR  and CBC radio

Interview with the Libby Denkmann at KUOW  and with Carol Off at CBC talking about our recent work studying teeth in PNW fishes

Lingcod tooth replacement

These fish loose up to 20 teeth per day! find out more with the  NYT  and National Geographic

Also featured in LiveScince and Smithsonian Magazine

Moray eel CT scans

Coverage by Alice Klein at  NewScientist

Friday Harbor Tide Bite

Blog about how imagining techniques and a totally awesome marine lab changed my career.

Pacu tooth replacement

Check out recent press regarding work investigating how piranhas replace their teeth! CNN
& GW Today

IOB associate 

Click these links to find out more-
Blog posts for new material in Integrative Organismal Biology: A Journal of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 

Down in the Sub!

Interview with the Seattle Times about our Submarine dive to the bottom of Salish Sea.

Remoras know how to stick 

Scientific America Press 

Angler fish teeth

Check out recent press looking at teeth in the deep LiveScience

Shortlisted for Outstanding Paper in 2018 Journal of Experimental Biology 
Click for GW today press 

CT-Scans from the "Scan All Fishes" and "oVert" NSF projects are published here for public use!