Karly E. Cohen, Ph.D, Ms.c
[email protected] |
University of Washington, Seattle WA, 98107
Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor WA 98250


2022 –Postdoctoral Fellowship with Dr. Gareth Fraser 

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

NSF funded research project studying shark denticles from genotype to prototype

2018- Ph.D., candidate in Biology

The University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor, WA

2018 M.S., Biology

The George Washington University, Washington, DC

Thesis: Making a master filterer: Development and functional morphology of the complex trophic anatomy of the invasive silver carp.

2017 B.S., Biology

The George Washington University, Washington, DC


Funding and Awards

2022     University of Washington Distinguish Dissertation Nominee

2020    Stephen and Ruth Wainwright Endowed ($900)

Awarded by the University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories

2020     Wingfield/Ramenofshky Award ($700)

·       Awarded by the University of Washington, Biology department 

2020     Edwards Award ($500)

·       Awarded by the University of Washington, Biology department 

2020     Orians Award ($500)

·       Awarded by the University of Washington, Biology department 

2020     Friday Harbor travel award ($200)

2019     Company of Biologists ($6,300)

·       Small conference grant to teach researchers histology 

2019     Friday Harbor Laboratories Research Fellowship Endowment ($1,000)

·        Awarded by the University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories

2019     Friday Harbor travel award ($200)

2019     Reagen FHL Endowed Scholar 82-0896 ($1,000)

·        Awarded by the University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories

2018    Stephen and Ruth Wainwright Endowment ($1,000)

·        Awarded by the University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories

2018     Short list Journal of experimental Biology outstanding paper

2018     Top Scholar Fellowship- Louisa Pike Crook Endowed Fellowship

·       Awarded by the University of Washington

2018     NSF GRFP Honorable Mention

2017     GW Summer Fellowship ($5000)

·       Awarded by The George Washington University

2017     Shenkman Career Services Fund: Student Profession & Career Development Grant

·       For research pertaining to functional studies describing the biomechanics of silver carp filter feeding in collaboration with Brook Flammang, PhD 

·       Awarded by The George Washington University

2017     George Washington University Research Days, 1st Place ($200)

·       For research pertaining to the anatomy and functional morphology of the gill rakers in silver carp 

·       Awarded by The George Washington University

2016     Wilbur V. Harlan Research Fellowship

·       For research pertaining to the anatomy and functional morphology of in silver carp 

·       Awarded by The George Washington University




Baxter. D., Cohen, K.E., Donatelli, C.M., Tytell, E.D. (2022). Internal vertebral morphology of bony fishes matches the mechanical demands of different environments (In Review, Ecology and Evolution).


Cohen, K.E., Lucanus, O., Summers, A.P., and Kolmann, M.A. (2022). Histological phenotypes and complex prey processing behavior in pacus (In Review, Anatomical Records)

Cohen, K.E., A.L. Ackles, and L.P. Hernandez (2022). The role of heterotopy and heterochrony in morphological diversification of the otocephalan epibranchial organ. In Press, Evolution and Development. 

Cohen, K.E., and Summers, A.P. (2021). Dimorphic fluorescence in the Pacific spiny lumpsucker. In Press, Ichthyology and Herpetology.

Woodruff, E.C., Huie, J.M., Summers, A.P., and Cohen, K.E. (2021). Morphology, ontogeny, and investment of the abrasion resistant lumpsucker armor. Journal of Morphology, 238(2). 

Carr, E.M., Summers, A.P., and Cohen, K.E. (2021). The moment of tooth - rate, fate, and pattern of Pacific lingcod dentition revealed by pulse-chase. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1960).

Cohen, K.E., H.I. Weller, M.W. Westneat, and A.P. Summers (2020). The Evolutionary Continuum of Functional Homodonty to Heterodonty in the Dentition of Halichoeres Wrasses. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icaa137.Integrated and Comparative Biology, icca137.


Cohen, K.E., C.H. Crawford, L.P. Hernandez, M. Beckert, J.H. Nadler, and B.E. Flammang (2020). Sucker with a fat lip: the soft tissues underlying the viscoelastic grip of remora adhesion. Journal of Anatomy, 237(4).

Cohen, K.E., A.E. George, D.C. Chapman, J.H. Chick, L.P. Hernandez (2020). Developmental ecomorphology of the silver carp epibranchial organ. Journal of Fish Biology, 97(2).  

Hulsey, D.C., K.E. Cohen, Z. Johanson, N. Karagic, A. Meyer, C.T. Miller, A. Sadier, A.P. Summers, and G.J. Fraser (2020) Grand Challenges in Comparative Tooth Biology. Integrative Comparative Biology, icaa038.

Cohen, K.E., H.I. Weller, and A.P. Summers (2020). Not your father’s homodonty stress, tooth shape, and the functional homodont. Journal of Anatomy, 237(5).


Cohen, K.E., B.E. Flammang, C.H. Crawford, and L.P. Hernandez (2020). Knowing when to stick: touch receptors found in the remora adhesive disc. 7. Royal Society Open Science, 7(1). 


Kolmann, M. A., K.E. Cohen, K.E. Bemis, A.P. Summers, F.J. Irish, and L.P. Hernandez (2019). Tooth and consequences: Heterodonty and dental replacement in piranhas and pacus (Serrasalmidae). Evolution and Development, 12306.


Hernandez, L.P., K.E. Cohen (2019) Multifunctional structures and multistructural functions: How these phenomena characterize the evolution of morphological novelties within Cypriniformes. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59(2).


Keer, SA., K.E. Cohen, C. May, Y. Hu., S. McMenamin, and L.P. Hernandez (2019). Anatomical assessment of the adult skeleton of zebrafish reared under different thyroid hormone profiles. Anatomical Record, 302(10).


Cohen, K.E., L.P. Hernandez, C. Crawford, and B.E. Flammang. (2018) Channeling vorticity:

Modeling the filter-feeding mechanism in silver carp using μCT and 3D PIV. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(19).


Cohen, K.E. and L.P. Hernandez. (2018) The complex trophic anatomy of silver carp highlighting a novel type of epibranchial organ.Journal of Morphology, 279(11). 


Cohen K.E. and L.P. Hernandez. (2018) Making a master filterer: Ontogeny of specialized

filtering plates in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Journal of Morphology, 279(7).

Research Experience


2019      Scripps Institute of Oceanography Deep-sea trawl

Surveying of deep-sea species 

   2018-2022     Friday Harbor Labs annual scientific trawls in the Salish Sea

            2018      Ocean gate Cyclops 1 Submersible expedition in the Salish Sea

Investigation into the deep-sea habitat of the Salish sea. Use of deep-sea ROV to review the effects of scientific trawling on the deep-sea community. 

2015     Save the Bay

Aquarist Intern, Animal management and hands-on public and private education programs focusing on the marine biology of the Narragansett Bay ecosystem


Professional Societies

Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (2018 – current)

International Congress of Vertebrate morphology (2016 – current) 

American Microscopical Society (2019 – current) 

American Society for Ichthyology and Herpetology (2019- 2021) 

Gilbert Ichthyological Society (2019- current) 


Press & Popular writings

Learn, JR., The Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker Is Armed to the Teeth, The New York Times (2022)

Meyer, JJ., This tiny coastal fish wears a toothy coat of armor, UW College of the Environment          (2022)

Denkmann, L., Leibovitz, S., Cowan, A., and Gasca, N. Our neighbors sound-under, KUOW NPR (2022)

Brown, EA., This fierce fish grows 20 new teeth each day, National Geographic (2021)

Roth, A., This Fish loses 20 each day, then grows them all back, The New York Times (2021)

Mandoza, J., This carnivorous fish loses – and -regrows- about 20 of its 500 needle sharp teeth each day. USA Today (2021)

Duke, C., This fish has 555 teeth... and it loses 20 everyday, Live Science (2021)

Chu, J., Glowing fish teeth answer questions about tooth replacement rates, UW College of the                      Environment (2021)

Karly Cohen and Her detailed CT Scans of Moray Eels Featured in New Scientist, UW Biology (2021)

Klein, A., See the unique skeletal features of moray eels in exquisite detail, New Scientists (2021)

Cohen, K.E., Transformative tools and integrative imaging, FHL Tide Bites (2021)

Kaufman, R., Anglerfish are stranger than science fiction, Live Science (2021)

Intagliata, C., The fish knows how to stick around, Scientific American 60 second science (2020)

Jenkin, J., Discovery reveals how remora fishes know when to hitch a ride aboard their                                     hosts, NJIT New & Phys.Org (2020)

Wilke, C., Piranhas and plant-eating kin replace half their teeth at once, Science News for     Students (2019)

Ma, M., Piranha fish swap old teeth for new simultaneously, UW News (2019)

Mitchell, K., Using 3D Models to Study Invasive Silver Carp, GW Today (2019)

Cohen, K.E., Blog Post for the Journal of Integrative and Organismal Biology (2019)

Strickland, A., Piranha swap out their old teeth with new set waiting in a ‘crypt’, CNN (2019)

Mitchell, K., How do piranhas replace their sharp teeth?, GW Today (2019)


Outreach & Professional Experience

2022- Now    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Broadening Participation member

2020-2022    Friday Harbor Laboratories Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Member

2020-2022    Friday Harbor Laboratories Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair

2019-Now     Integrative and Organismal Biology: A Journal of the Society for Integrative and                                                           Comparative Biology, Outreach associate

2020-Now     Friday Harbor Laboratories Microscope manager 

Fall    2021    Friday Harbor Labs Seminar Series Coordinator

Fall    2021    Graduate Research Seminar Series (University of Washington)                                                                                                             A-pacu-lips now - comparative morphology of pacu lips and feeding strategies 

Sum   2021    Carleton Research Mentor

          2020    Friday Harbor Laboratories Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee member

Fall    2020    Graduate Research Seminar Series (University of Washington)                                                                                                             Functional homodonty: a threshold for stress

Fall    2020    Graduate Research Seminar Series Mentor

Sum   2019    Code of Conduct ICVM Allies

May   2019    Public Lands Podcast: Guest speaker

Sum   2019   NSF REU Mentor, Friday Harbor Laboratories

Win    2019    Code of Conduct SICB Allies

Nov.   2019    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Seminar speaker “The Complications of Conical Teeth                                                     in Fishes”

Sum   2018   Friday Harbor Laboratories, Seminar Speaker



Spring 2022  Research apprentice at FHL (University of Washington)

Winter 2022  Research apprentice at FHL (University of Washington)

Fall     2021   Bioimaging apprenticeship at FHL (University of Washington)

Instructor of Record 

Sum    2021   Research apprenticeship with Dr. Luke Tornabene (University of Washington)

Investigation of ceratoid teeth

Spring 2021  Vertebrate physiology (University of Washington)


Spring 2021  BIOL 452: Vertebrate Biology (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Winter 2021  Bioimaging apprenticeship at FHL (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Fall     2020   BIOL 427: Biomechanics (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Sum   2020    FHL 528A: Advanced topics in fish biology (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Spring 2020 Research apprenticeship (RA) with Dr. James Truman, University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs                                                                                            Investigating the evolution of the musculoskeletal system in mysid shrimps through DiceCT     

Spring 2020  MARBIO 470: Form and function of fishes* 

Graduate teaching assistant, Friday Harbor Labs (University of Washington), cancelled due                                                    to COVID-19

Spring 2020 Vertebrate physiology (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant and grader

Winter 2020  BIOL 453: Comparative vertebrate anatomy

Graduate teaching assistant (University of Washington)

                  Guest Lecture on the evolution of Teeth (February 21, 2020)

Fall 2019      BIOL 427: Biomechanics (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Spring 2019 Vertebrate physiology (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant and grader 

Spring 2019  MARBIO 470: Research in Larval Metamorphosis 

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Friday Harbor Labs (University of Washington)

Fall 2018        BIOL 180: Introductory Biology (University of Washington)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Spring 2018 BISC 2332: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (George Washington University)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Fall 2017    BISC 2207: Genetics (George Washington University)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Fall 2017    BISC 2334: Integrative Biology of Fishes (George Washington University)

Guest Lecturer


Posters and Presentations


Cohen KE and Summers AP (2022). Diphyodont dilemma - are teeth too costly or jaws too weak? Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-7. Upcoming.


Benedict, C; Turner, M; Cohen, KE; Daly, M (2022). Dyeing to CT sea anemones? New method for micro-CT in soft-bodied marine invertebrates. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Phoenix Arizona (In person and Virtual meeting)


Woodruff EC, Huie JM, Summers AP, Cohen KE (2022). Spiky, soccer balls of the sea - Ontogeny, morphology, and function of abrasion resistant armor in the Spiny Lumpsucker. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-7. Upcoming.


Carr EM, Cohen KE, Fraser GJ (2022). A jaw outside the jaw: Tooth development in Hydrolagus colliei, the spotted ratfish. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-7. Upcoming.


Gohds S, Tornabene L, Cohen KE (2021). New Insights Into the Morphology and Development of Novel Jaw-like and Tooth-like Structures in Male Deep-Sea Anglerfishes (Teleostei, Ceratioidei). Joint meeting of Ichthyology and Herpetology. July 21-27. Virtual meeting.


LeFauve MK, Cohen KE, George AE, Chapman DC, Hernandez LP (2021). Gross neuroanatomy in three species of invasive Asian carp. Animal Behavior Society Conference August 1-7. Virtual meeting


Palecek-McClung AM, Huie JM, Cohen KE, Donatelli CM, Summers AP (2021). Stuck on you: How pelvic girdle morphology influences adhesion. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting


Geldof DL, Summers AP, Cohen KE (2021). An overview and definition of cirri in fishes. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting


Evans AJ, Cohen KE, Summers AP, Kolmann MA, Egan JP, Hernandez LP (2021).That's not how it works: Particle aggregation in the viscous environment of the epibranchial organ. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting


Cohen KE, Kolmann MA (2021). Differences in the histological composition of piranha and pacu lips are consequences of prey manipulation tactics. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting


Pinion AK, Cohen KE, Donatelli CM, Kruppert S, Summers AP (2021). Come and spaghett It: Morphology and feeding of the quillfish, Ptilichthys goodei. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting.


Pos KM, Kolmann MA, Donatelli CM, Cohen KE, Egan JP, Hernandez LP (2021).The Gizzard of Oz: mucus and motors and grit, oh my!: A comparative look at gizzards in fishes. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting

 Carr EM, Cohen KE, Summers AP (2021).The fate of tooth replacement in Pacific Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) with pulse-chase experimentsSociety of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting

Brainard CR, Summers D, Cohen KE, Kruppert S, Summers AP, Kolmann MA (2021). Flexible armor: overlap and microstructure of poacher (Agonidae) armor. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting

KN Kennedy, KC Hall, KE Cohen, CM Donatelli, S Kruppert, MA Kolmann (2021).  Mighty fine spines: trade-offs in puncture performance among spiny cartilaginous fishes, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3 - February 28. Virtual meeting


Cohen KE, Weller HI, Summers AP (2020) What is homodonty? Symposium Presentation at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-7. Austin, TX. (Upcoming)


Gauthier S, Cohen KE, Summers AP (2020) Getting to the Point: Characterizing the function of conical teeth in Deep-Sea Stomiiformes? Poster Presentation at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-7. Austin, TX. (Upcoming)


Cohen KE and Summers AP (2019) Predicting loading from tooth shape - are you prepared for anything? Presentation at the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, July 21-25. Prague. 


Hernandez LP, Cohen KE, Staab KL, Storch JD (2019) Intrinsic and extrinsic constraints on cranial evolution in within Cypriniformes. Symposium Presentation at the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, July 21-25. Prague. 


Cohen KE, Ackles AL, Hernandez LP (2019). Heterochrony, heterotopy, and the origin of otocephalan epibranchial organs. Poster Presentation at the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, July 21-25. Prague.  


Cohen KE, Weller HI, Summers AP (2019). Getting to the tooth of the matter: a statistical test for functional homodonty. Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Cohen KE and Hernandez LP (2019). Origin, heterochrony, and diversification of otocephalan epibranchial organs. Poster Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Keer SA, Cohen KE, May C, Hu Y, Donanhue J, McMenamin S, Hernandez LP. Using a thyroid disrupted zebrafish model to investigate the evolution of cypriniform novelties. Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Hernandez LP and Cohen KE (2019) Multifunctional structures and multi0structural functions: How these phenome characterize the evolution of morphological novelties within Cypriniformes. Symposium Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Kolmann MA, Cohen KE, Bemis K, Summers AP, Irish F, Hernandez LP (2019). The whole tooth and nothing but: Tooth replacement in piranhas and pacus. Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Flammang BE, Cohen KE, Hernandez LP (2019). Sucker with a fat lip: functional morphology of the soft tissues of the remora adhesive disc. Poster Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Hernandez A, Gibb AC, Cohen KE, Porter M (2019). Why so cirrhious? Functional morphology of cirri in Cottoidea species. Poster Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL.  


Weller HI, Cohen KE, Kaczmarek E, Gibb AC, Brainerd BE (2019). Using tether to measure food transport in a flatfish. Poster Presentation at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2019, January 3-8, Tampa, FL. 


Seminar Speaker at Friday Harbor Laboratories (2018) Development of a master filter feeder. 


Cohen KE, and Hernandez LP (2018). Functional morphology of the epibranchials organ of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (silver carp). Presentation at American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting 2018, July 11-14, Rochester, NY.  


Cohen KE, Hernandez LP, Crawford C, Flammang BE (2018). Modeling silver carp filtration using μCT and 3D PIV. Presentation at American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting 2018, July 11-14, Rochester, NY. 


Kolmann MA, Cohen KE, Bemis K, Hernandez LP, Summers AP (2018) Tooth and consequences: heterodonty and tooth replacement in piranhas and pacus. Presentation at American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting 2018, July 11-14, Rochester, NY.


Keer S, May C, McMenamin S, Cohen KE, Hernandez LP (2018). Anatomical assessment of the adult skeleton in thyroid ablated zebrafish, Danio rerio. Presentation at American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting 2018, July 11-14, Rochester, NY.


Cohen KE, Hernandez LP, Crawford C, Flammang BE (2018). Secrets in master

filtering: Utilizing μCT and PIV to model silver carp filter feeding. Presentation at

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2018, January 3-7, San

Francisco, CA. 


Cohen KE and Hernandez LP (2018). Ontogeny of the epibranchial organ in

Hypopthalmichthys molitrix. Poster at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

Annual Meeting 2018, January 3-7, San Francisco, CA.


Cohen KE and Hernandez LP (2017). Ontogeny of the Filtering Apparatus

in Silver carp (H.molitrix): The Structure Behind the Invasion. Presentation at Society for

Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2017, January 4-8, New Orleans, LA.


Cohen KE and Hernandez LP (2016). Strange from the start: Ontogeny of the

filtering mechanism in Silver Carp. Poster at 11th International Congress of Vertebrate

Morphology 2016, June 29 – July 3, Washington, DC.